Why is a meritocratic, capitalism and trade supporting, Chinese president, with more than 2/3 approval rating, called a "dictator", while a wild capitalism and protectionism and anti-China sanctions and smearing supporting, militaristic warmongering US president with 1/3 of indirect votes on electors who were chosing among candidates chosen by the big money, is called "democratic"?! It seems that "Christian democracy" is a similarly empty but magic wording as is "the Atheist Communist dictatorship".

Friday, April 5, 2013

Where's the star and where were you?

The illusion of a Universe

A ten billion year old supernova has been discovered. It means it died ten billion years ago, i.e. 5.5 billion years before our Sun was born.

The black area on the pic above corresponds to the white area on Klevius' Origin of Universe pic.

The nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is 4.2 light years from the Earth. Light travels at a speed corresponding to 7.5 laps around the Earth in one second.

The light from the farthest objects detectable by Hubble and other cameras (incl. radio waves etc), i.e. more than 13 billion years ago, marks the end of our capabilities, not the end of Universe. Because there is no "end" or "beginning". These terms are oxymorons and semantically absurd.

So next time you take a look at the stars do consider what you don't see.

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